The Knickerbocker Gallery

"WE shall drink beer in heaven
From the skulls of our enemies."


Well, here's another fine mess I've gotten myself into. My accidental encounter with Harry Franco has ensnared me in a larger literary circle of 19th-century New York. The Vault at Pfaff's is an amazing online resource, one worth treasuring. Already I plan to bring e-text editions of some neglected works by Elizabeth Stoddard and William North to the public. Faced with such abundance, I have been inspired to start a new web site: ffred's nearly forgotten treasures.

As good a place as any to start is The Knickerbocker Gallery. Although I was originally attracted by "A Literary Martyrdom," the contribution from Charles Frederick Briggs, mere moments passed before I arrived at the conclusion that I should treat the entire volume as I would that particular chapter. Aside from Briggs, other "Pfaffians" contributing to the volume are (in order of appearance): Bayard Taylor, Charles Astor Bristed, Charles Godfrey Leland, George William Curtis, Nathaniel Parker Willis, Richard Henry Stoddard (husband of Elizabeth Stoddard), and Fitz-Greene Halleck. Other contributors—whose pieces have intrigued me sufficiently to research them as possible candidates for inclusion in my gallery—include Edward P. Mitchell [as Ralph Roanoke], Frederick S. Cozzens, Thomas Bangs Thorpe, and John Treat Irving, Jr. [nephew of Washington Irving].

This edition contains the complete text of this online scan, minus references to page numbers and to the engravings, which I have omitted. Because a few pages are missing, I have additionally relied upon another online scan as a backup.

So here it is: the master HTML version, the home-brew Kindle version, and the actual Amazon publication.

August 27, 2019

ffred's nearly-forgotten treasures