Stinkin Crawfish

Best gumbo in town. The crawfish are good-sized, and are flown in live from Louisiana. I definitely plan to try more items on their menu.

Years ago, the Hickory's location was a Pizza Hut. Pizza Hut moved to a new place, and Strombolli's replaced them. Strombolli's had the very best lasagna in town, excellent salads, and decadent braided bread. They went out of business, and I really miss them. Then came Hickory BBQ, which had the best smoked chicken in town, and it was also a shame to see them close.

Web site
Business Category:Local or small chain (3-20 locations)
Breakfast (1-10):
Lunch (1-10):8
Dinner (1-10):
Cleanliness (1-10):6
Service (1-10):5
Noise (1-10):4
How often visited:Once
How likely to return:Definitely
Last known visit:2021-08-12
Last updated:2021-08-01

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