Hot Wok

Years ago Hot Wok was located in Fort Valley Shopping Center, where Casa Duarte is now. Then it was basically Chinese take-out, and while it was good I still preferred Hunan West. Then they moved to South Milton, where Szechan used to be (which was not my favorite Chinese restaurant). For years I've ignored them, and now I'm kicking myself for doing so. They've changed considerably. Now they're a full restaurant, with an extensive menu, with an adjoining oriental grocery. I tried the squid with black bean sauce, and it was not bad. They also have hot pot, clay pot, and other selections you won't see at Hunan West.

Web Site
Business Category:Local establishment (1-2 locations)
Breakfast (1-10):
Lunch (1-10):6
Dinner (1-10):
Cleanliness (1-10):7
Service (1-10):7
Noise (1-10):7
How often visited:A few times
How likely to return:Probably yes
Last known visit:2021-07-07
Last updated:2021-08-01

ffred's restaurant reviews