AV3.x Conversion Utilities


ANNOPACK.ZIP (14K) -- The Anno Pack!

12/3/97 Bug fixed in script Anno.Add; also, genanno.aml fixed to strip quotes from blank arguments.

Version 1.1 contains ARC/INFO AML scripts and an ArcView extension to facilitate transportation of editable annotation between ARC/INFO and ArcView. For documentation, click HERE.

For the Anno Pack for PC ARC/INFO, click HERE. For documentation, click HERE. (Warning! ArcView's font spacing is not consistent with that of PC ARC/INFO. I hope to find a workaround, so check in every now and then.)

ANNO2SHP.AVE (2.6K) -- Annotation to Shapefile


Converts an annotation theme into a point shapefile with text, angle, level, height, and symbol attributes.

ANNO2TXT.AVE (2.2K) -- Annotation to SplineText


Converts an annotation theme into SplineText. Single point annotation are converted into scalable GraphicText. If records are selected, only those will be converted. Arrows are not converted. View map units must be defined. Works in ArcView 3.1 or greater only.

COMMA.AVE (2.2K) -- Number Formatting Script


Converts numbers to comma formatted strings.

DLG21a.AVE (10.0K) -- DLG to Shape Script

DLG21b.AVE (11.5K) -- Batch Version

8/4/98 Works with files that are not CHOPped

These scripts convert Optional Format DLG-3 lines, points (degenerate lines), or polys to a shapefile, with attributes. Sorry, nodes are not supported. SDTS is not supported!

DLGShape assumes that the DLG file is uncompressed and has or has not been preprocessed to 80 character lines of text. Public domain processing software (GZIP and CHOP) may be obtained via the Internet:


A version of GZIP modified for Win32 (long filename support) may be found at the Virtually Un*x web page.

POINTCON.AVE (3.0K) -- Point Overlap Resolution Script


Similar to the REGPOLY script below, it outputs a point theme (representing a "condensation" of the input theme) and a table containing attributes; a unique id field allows one-to-many relationship of the output theme to the output table.

REGPOLY.AVE (3.6K) -- Polygon Overlap Resolution Script


This routine works very much like ARC/INFO's REGIONPOLY command. It outputs a polygon theme (representing a self-intersection of the input theme) and a table containing attributes; a unique id field allows one-to-many relationship of the output theme to the output table. Useful for "conditioning" a polygon shapefile before using SHAPEARC to bring it into PC ARC/INFO. Note that, unlike REGIONPOLY, the output polygons are unsorted.

SFORMAT.AVE (2.8K) -- String Formatting Script


Emulates the ARC/INFO AML [format] function to produce formatted strings. Saves a great deal of work porting ARC/INFO reports to ArcView!

TXT2SHP.AVE (2.5K) -- ASCII to Shape Script


Sample script demonstrating the import of ASCII non-delimited data into a point shapefile.

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